GET /feed/import


api_ro or console_ro


application/sellside.feedimport.list-v1+json, application/json

This URL returns the feed imports of the current user in descending chronological order. By default, only the last 10 imports are retrieved but this number can be controlled via the limit parameter (< 100).

Feed imports are triggered automatically by the system once per day or on demand by Customer Service agents. Each feed import object contains the time when it was started (dateCreated), the URL of the user’s XML document (url) and whether the document could successfully be processed (status). The status field contains DONE when the document was processed correctly, PENDING - when it is currently being processed or REJECTED - when it was either not accessible or syntactically incorrect. In the latter case, the field error contains a descriptive error message.

The feed import object also contains counters to denote the total number of ads specified in the XML document (totalCount), the number of ads which were processed without errors (okCount), the number of ads which were processed with warnings (warningCount) and the number of ads which were rejected due to errors (errorCount).


The field totalCount is set to -1 when the XML document could not be processed (status = REJECTED)

Each feed import contains an id field which can be used to query for more information regarding the erroneous ads in the XML document via GET /feed/import/{id}/detail.




Error message




invalid argument

not a valid number



out of range

less than 1 or greater than 100


GET /api/sellside/feed/import
Accept: application/sellside.feedimport.list-v1+json; application/json

200 OK
Content-Type: application/sellside.feedimport.list-v1+json; charset=UTF-8

    "id":           5,
    "url":          "",
    "status":       "DONE",
    "dateCreated":  "2016-02-03T15:35:33Z",
    "error":        "",
    "totalCount":   2,
    "okCount":      1,
    "warningCount": 1,
    "errorCount":   0
    "id":           4,
    "url":          "",
    "status":       "REJECTED",
    "dateCreated":  "2016-02-03T15:35:23Z",
    "error":        "HTTP 404 Not Found for:",
    "totalCount":   -1,
    "okCount":      0,
    "warningCount": 0,
    "errorCount":   0