Error Codes¶
Code |
Error message |
Description |
1000 |
500 |
internal error |
An internal error occurred |
1001 |
500 |
not implemented |
This call has not been implemented |
1003 |
403 |
access denied |
Authorization failed |
1004 |
404 |
not found |
The resource was not found or does not belong to the authenticated user |
1005 |
400 |
invalid json |
The input is not valid JSON |
1007 |
401 |
access denied |
The access token is invalid |
1008 |
401 |
access denied |
The user connected to this access token is invalid |
1009 |
401 |
missing token |
The Authorization header is missing or in the wrong format |
2000 |
400 |
missing argument |
A mandatory argument was not provided |
2001 |
400 |
invalid argument |
A provided value was invalid |
2002 |
400 |
out of range |
A provided numeric value was out of range |
2003 |
400 |
not equal |
A provided value was not equal to a required value |
2004 |
400 |
value too short |
A provided string value was too short |
2005 |
400 |
value too long |
A provided string value was too long |
2006 |
400 |
invalid url |
A provided string value does not represent a valid URL |
2007 |
400 |
unsupported format |
A link to an file is in an unsupported format |
2008 |
400 |
ad body too large |
provided (ad) body content is too large |
2010 |
400 |
invalid phone number |
A provided string value does not represent a valid phone number |
2011 |
400 |
too many active ads |
The maximum number of active ads per seller in this category has been reached |
2012 |
400 |
category change not allowed |
Changing the category of an ad is not allowed |
2017 |
400 |
ad status change not allowed |
Changing the status of an ad is not allowed |
2018 |
400 |
image type not allowed |
The uploaded image type is not allowed |
2019 |
400 |
insufficient budget |
The budget for provided ad is insufficient |
2020 |
400 |
insufficient daily budget |
The daily budget for provided ad is insufficient |
2021 |
400 |
duplicate feed url |
The feed URL is already in use |
2022 |
400 |
category not active |
The category is not active and will not allow creation of ads |
2023 |
400 |
category deleted |
The category is deleted and will not allow creation/updating of ads |
2024 |
400 |
vendorId change not allowed |
The vendorId can only be set once |
2025 |
400 |
duplicate vendorId |
The vendorId is already in use by another entity of the same tyope |
2027 |
400 |
cannot change seller budget |
The provided amount cannot be added/subtracted from current seller level budget |
2028 |
400 |
regionId change not allowed |
Changing the regionId of an ad is not allowed |
2030 |
400 |
missing identifying attribute |
The call requires an identifying attribute, but it is missing |
2034 |
400 |
campaign already exists |
The campaign already exists |
2035 |
400 |
attribute is not writable |
The attribute cannot be set by the user |
2037 |
400 |
unknown field name |
An unrecognised field was provided |
2039 |
400 |
max #campaigns reached |
Seller has reached the maximum amount of campaigns |
2040 |
400 |
status change not allowed |
The requested status change is not allowed |